About Me

Hi, thanks so much for visiting my site! My name is Adira. I’m an astrologer practicing primarily out of so-called Tucson, AZ, or occupied Tohono O’odham and Yaqui territory. My practice includes a blend of Hellenistic, Medieval Arabic, and some modern astrology. In February of 2021 I had the great fortunate to start studying Jyotish in the lineage of Shri Achyutānanda Das as well.

I first came to astrology in 2009 seeking a way to improve my quality of life, but expecting little more than some nice ideas to distract myself with. To my utter bewilderment, astrology not only transformed my circumstances, health, and resources, it taught me to live with reverence to my place in the universe as a whole.

So, while I do study astrology for its objective, material advantages, more importantly I practice because it is the most beautiful language I have ever heard. It is a joy to speak to clients in the context of something so vast and alive, and to provide as many people as possible access to similar resources as my teachers have gifted me over the years. My particular areas of interest are astrological magic and remediation, but I also love electional astrology and forecasts.

My educational background includes, but is not limited to, the guidance of Kaitlin Coppock, Demetra George, Austin Coppock’s 3 year program, Chris Brennan’s Hellenistic and Electional Astrology courses, Portland School of Astrology, Freedom Cole’s Science of Light program, Visti Larsen, Elliot Hocker’s Muhurta course, and I am currently enrolled in the 5 year Parāśara Jyotiṣa Course under Pt. Sanjay Rath.

Special additional credit to Josh Proto, Micki Pellerano, and Gabe Rosas who’s generosity with knowledge I would be utterly lost without.